Is it really ok to y’all though?

 Is it really ok to y’all though?


            I don’t know what is going on with “Game of Thrones” but they are making something so disgusting and turning it into something acceptable. After previewing the second episode of the show it introduces our young protagonist dealing with her situation as a sex toy for Drogo and has no say in it being wrong or right in her favor. As the night falls she seeks of way to please him and make it more comfortable for her even though it is still against her will. As long as she finds it more suitable for her then I guess its ok, wrong. Besides “Game of Thrones” I have never seen a show where one-character display’s a sexual power over a person and it’ll be ok in their world. With the best way of adjusting to her new role as Drogo’s new sex toy she takes the initiative to ask the other sex slaves what could she possibly do to make the relationship between her and Drago better without it feeling uncomfortable and forced even though it already is. I guess this has everyone asking themselves, that if she finds a way to make the pleasure more satisfying during the nonconsensual relation they have then it is all good. But either way it goes whether it’s in a show or not, it is still rape in our books. Also speaking of books, the book itself depicts this scene to be less aggressive than what it was on the show. This scene in the book takes a less aggressive approach by showing us how Drogo did his best to comfort her the best way possible. In chapter eleven the author takes in to the mood of these two characters. One of the lines in this chapter says, “Then it was his turn. He began to undress her. His fingers were deft and strangely tender. He removed her silks one by one, carefully, while Dany sat unmoving, silent, looking at his eyes. When he bared her small breasts, she could not help herself. She averted her eyes and covered herself with her hands. "No," Drogo said. He pulled her hands away from her breasts, gently but firmly, then lifted her face again to make her look at him. "No," he repeated.” which tends to show a firm yet considerate side of Drogo that the show didn’t show and left some of the audience appalled at the scene they were witnessing at that moment in time. But with this next line shows how well deanery reacts to the leading gestures that Drogo uses to ease her into his arms. The next paragraph says “He stopped then, and drew her down onto his lap. Dany was flushed and breathless, her heart fluttering in her chest. He cupped her face in his huge hands and looked into his eyes. "No?" he said, and she knew it was a question. She took his hand and moved it down to the wetness between her thighs. "Yes," she whispered as she put his finger inside her.” This shows how quick and well she adjusted to let Drogo do as he please with body and was completely fine with what ever happened next. For me being a fan of the show, except for when the last season came out, I don’t agree with some of the things they go about doing in the show that is a little bit too much to make ok and these type of relationships are one of them, whether it gets better or worse over time. If they decide to have a spin off to the show I’m going to need them to follow the book with those type of scenes to ease the cringe of the audience and it could boost the positive comments on the show instead of negative feedback which I do not believe they  will get if they follow that simple guidelines which they can do which the decide not to. So the question is, are they really going to take the best approach and listen to their fans or keep going downhill with the franchise? My guess is that it’s going to be a reenactment of their last season. 


  1. I agree with you, the book and the episode of that night were two completely scenes. To answer your question, no I am not okay with what took place. Honestly there are a lot of things that take place in this show that I do not agree with but that is besides the point. I must remember that this show reflects a different time than the one we live in today. Even though those things were common back then that still does not make it okay!! You can not convince me that, that was not rape. The age difference really bothers me because she is really young and I have a sister around her age and I just could not even imagine. -Dayisa.B

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  3. Dre,
    I definitely agree that what took place in this wedding night scene was rape whether others choose to look at it that way or not. When I saw this scene I immediately thought about the ways that this is basically child pornography written in a book and even though the actors who portray these roles are older the characters still are viewed as young. It is a natural reaction for a person's body to react whether it is an orgasm or a sexual noise during the adult actions, so I do not think that her going to the other sex slaves for advice on a more pleasurable experience really changed anything considering she was still forced. The book depicting Drogo as someone who tries to make her more comfortable throughout this situation kind of reminded me of someone being involved with a incapacitated person who can not consent to the actions. They could take them to a car and talk before it happens, they could take them to a hotel or anything to make them comfortable but in the end they can't consent so they are being forced into the same situation. Being that I am a CJ major I thought of Stockholm syndrome, basically when a victim finds sympathy for the person doing them wrong and wants to stay with them through it all because they think that person actually cares, during the part of her guiding her hand to her lady parts. Do you think she was doing this because she was comfortable or because she felt this is what she would have to do in order to survive? -Alexis C.

    1. Well for me I think she did do it in order to survive but the more she was with drago the more she became emotionally attached and it became a different situation from then on. It might have been forced upon her with no say so for herself but she still grew to love the man over time.

    2. That is what Stockholm syndrome is about a victim growing to love their captor no matter how they were placed into the situation. I do agree that she felt this was her way to survive and she had to do what she felt was right.

  4. I most definitely can see your perspective on this scene, the book and show are totally different when things of this nature occur however throughout the series there are many more scenes that are not necessarily smiled upon but when diving in detail on my paper it came to my realization that these so called "times" are completely different than they are in this century, the world has became a huge filter now unlike it was in the times these series and characters are depicted, but to answer your question i do believe the creators will listen to the fans and maybe filter these scenes of some sort being that the fanbase has grown to much more that to adults so to say.

    1. I agree with you but the creators of the show and book both knew that there was going to be a lot of back lash for the underaged being used the way they are at that period of time. Doesn’t matter if it’s a show or book. Either do it right or don’t put it in there at all.


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