Let me preface this with, I love both Khal Drogo and Daenerys as characters. I think they both have unique personalities and of all the plot lines you have to keep straight during the first season, theirs is the easiest and most entertaining (it may also help that Jason Momoa is pretty easy on the eyes). So now that I have shown you a lovely photo of Jason Momoa killing it as Khal Drogo- lets get to the part you may not like. He’s trash for the first part of season one. I know I know I just told you that I love his charcter but you can blame the adaption from book to the small screen for this statement. Khal Drogo bought Daenerys…he bought her. I think its hard to come back from that but arranged marriages still happen in todays time so while that part is horrible, I can kinda see it being reddemable based solely on the fact that it was the “norm” of society. The rape scene in the show though…trash. I just want to know how many women were helping make the adaption and were like ‘y...
Imagine sitting on the couch watching your favorite show. Your favorite character walks across the scene looking rather attractive. All of a sudden, they die. Well, if you’re a fan of Game of Thrones this happens every single time you turn on your television. Just like any other show, you don’t really find yourself wondering when the protagonist will die. It’s kind of just… implied that they will be on the show forever. With Game of Thrones , we see something a little different. Dating back to the first season, characters continuously get killed off with no remorse or warning. George R. R. Martin is genius in this way because he repeatedly gives us reasons to come back and figure out more. While I have never been a superfan of this show, I can say that I have never been so interested in seeing who will die next. This leads me to ask the question, is anyone truly safe in Game of Thrones ? The only answer to this question is absolutely not. In most...
I am new to Game of Thrones . When I started reading the first book and saw the opening of the show, I love, loved the first words spoken by that man, “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” So heroic! I wondered who the dude wearing fur with the heavy beard was. I found out who he was. It was Ned Stark. Lord of Winterfell. Warden of the North. A great Father. A loving husband. A justifiable and honorable man. Men like him are rare. He meets all the Prince characteristics that Disney displays in their movies. Trust me. I know. I grew up with Disney movies. That strong opening line made me immediately think and feel, “Oh yea, there’s a hero.” Ned Stark is a rustic, chivalrous man, a true knight in shining armor. In the first episode, it is clear that he has a happy life with his family. In the book, Game of Thrones and Philosophy, Irwin and Jacoby describe Ned’s life in the North: “Remaining steadfast in his commitment to honor and virtue…he spent decades in a lo...
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