Why do my favorite characters keep dying?

Imagine sitting on the couch watching your favorite show. Your favorite character walks across the scene looking rather attractive. 
All of a sudden, they die. 
Well, if you’re a fan of Game of Thrones this happens every single time you turn on your television. Just like any other show, you don’t really find yourself wondering when the protagonist will die. It’s kind of just… implied that they will be on the show forever. With Game of Thrones, we see something a little different. Dating back to the first season, characters continuously get killed off with no remorse or warning. George R. R. Martin is genius in this way because he repeatedly gives us reasons to come back and figure out more. While I have never been a superfan of this show, I can say that I have never been so interested in seeing who will die next. This leads me to ask the question, is anyone truly safe in Game of Thrones? The only answer to this question is absolutely not. In most narratives, you typically make the assumption that the main protagonists are safe because if you kill them off, you risk the audience losing interest in the show. However, Game of Thrones goes against this assumption by killing off main character, beginning with Ned’s beheading in season 1. The show manages these deaths so well that the audience looks forward to who will live and who will eventually die. If you haven’t watched or read anything past season 2, I apologize for the following spoilers, but these things have to be said.
Ned Stark, our beloved protagonist and Warden of the North, was painted on the very first advertisements when the show, Game of Thrones, was debuting on HBO. Ned is one of those favorite characters that you see on the screen then suddenly they die. While I cannot say that Ned was a handsome character, he was one that we guessed would be on the show forever. Of course, we guessed wrong. Painting Ned as the picture we would see forever on Game of Thrones, was absolutely maleficent of the creator of the ads. Knowing damn well Ned would be dead within the first nine episodes. As stated previously, most of us avid tv watchers have never seen anything quite like this series. Knowing that many of the characters on the show are terrible people, we were rooting for Ned and his honorable ways. Well, depends on what you think honorable is. Steering away from that, we simply never expected Ned to be dead so soon, or like ever. After Robert’s death, Ned was supposed to be King, but of course something crazy happens and we find Joffrey killing off the people that protect Ned in order for him to sit at the throne. Did I mention Joffrey isn’t even the rightful heir? I mean, Ned isn’t either, but technically he is because Robert said he was until someone was old enough. Of course, we have Joffrey’s psychopathic ways play a huge role in this episode, so crazy that Cersei had zero control over him. Ned denied that Joffrey was King but would never tell the people why. If Ned would have been less honorable then maybe he would still be alive, but you know, that’s not always how the cookie will crumble. Now on to the part that literally sends every single Game of Thrones fan into shock, Ned’s beheading. Not only is Ned put in front of everyone to confess of his “sins,” but he did not confess anything or tell anyone what he knows that would change every single thing right from the beginning. We knew that Ned was honorable, but we didn’t know that he was so “honorable” that he would have to ability to let himself be beheaded. Joffrey tells the executioner to cut Ned’s head off, either way he was going to die whether he complied or not. I know we all had some sort of hope that someone would save him, I even thought for a split second that Cersei would come to the rescue, but clearly, she is below her son at this point. Yet as stressed as this treatment of Ned makes us as viewers, Trey Alston argues that bold actions of this kind are what have made Game of Thrones the rating success it is. Killing off the protagonist is simply not American, but boy do we love the anxiety that this show brings. 
            As shocking as killing off the protagonists was, is Game of Thrones really the only show to have done that? It may be the only show that has killed off its main character within the first 9 episodes, but it is certainly not the only show to have killed its protagonist. In an IGN article about TV shows that have killed their shows protagonists, they say that The Wire’s main character, Russell “Stringer” Bell, was killed in the show after the first 3 seasons. While Russell Bell played an important role in the show, it continued to release 2 more seasons after that. Although the show continued, the ratings eventually hit an all-time low and they cancelled the show. While this is a failed example of killing off the protagonist early in the series, Grey’s Anatomy was a little more successful in this way. While the circumstances are not the same in Grey’s Anatomy because Derek Shepherd did not die until season 11, this still hit home for its viewers. In Lindsay Denniger’s article, she discloses rating information that is quite shocking, especially for me. Personally, I quit watching Grey’s Anatomy after Derek Shepherd died because I felt as if the show were nothing to me anymore, but after his death, the viewership went up 11 percent and continued into season 15. In comparison, after Ned Stark died in season 1, the series continued for 7 more seasons. Ani Bundel’s article about the shock of Ned’s death, reveals that the show was successful in doing this by going against the norms of a prime protagonists in the show. She also says that because this show is so widely known, an early death of the protagonist may never be pulled off as well as Game of Thrones did ever again. I couldn’t agree more. Another reason this may be successful in Game of Thrones is because they intentionally plan when actors are killed off of the show. In Grey’s Anatomy and The Wire, the show has no choice when killing off the main characters because the actors quit. Most shows are forced to enact character deaths, but Game of Thrones is fundamentally different in this sense because they kill them for the sake of plot not business.
While Ned’s death is certainly breathtaking and sends its viewers into a deep depression, Khal Drogo’s character was also one that was taken too soon. As we see Daenerys and Drogo’s relationship evolve from an arranged marriage into a romantic relationship based on genuine affection, we don’t get too see it much longer. We could argue that it is Daenerys’s fault, but really who has time to get into that. Let’s just talk about how we lost one of the most attractive men on the entire show. Drogo’s death was extremely shocking because I never thought Dany would be a widow so soon. Since this show is a fantasy, my hopes were high when Dany ordered Mirra Maz Durr to bring Drogo back to life. On the other hand, because this show is a fantasy, I need to learn not to expect anything from Game of Thrones that will put my heart at ease. However, I can respect the way George R. R. Martin kills Drogo’s character off because it is calmer than any other death I have witnessed on this show. Although viewers were upset about Drogo’s sudden death, we see instant character growth in Dany. Not only does Drogo’s incapacitation give Dany the confidence to burn Mirra Maz Durr along with his body, she had the courage to smother Drogo with a pillow for the good of both of them. I thought that if she were risking her baby’s life that at least one of them would come out alive, but instead she got the cutest baby dragons.
            Another death of a major character that shocked the audience was Renly. Our beloved Renly whom we thought would take the throne after defeating Stannis, died in cold blood and took our hearts with him. Out of all of the deaths, I definitely did not see this one coming. As I was reading this section, I felt confident in the battle between Renly and Stannis. If I were in this scene, you would see me suiting up that is how ready I was for the battle. Of course, George R. R. Martin ruined Stannis’s defeat for me. Who would have thought that Stannis, Renly’s brother, would use dark magic to stab him in the back? Certainly not me. I remember screaming in the library when I realized that Renly had just been stabbed and began bleeding all over Brienne. While I’m not quite sure the impact this has on the show thus far, I know that if Stannis reaches the throne, I will instantly cry out for Renly to be brought back to life. Oh and not to mention, he is extremely hot, so what happens when all of the hot characters are killed off of the show? 
            Despite all of these losses, Game of Thrones remains a fan favorite. What other show have you watched that you will go back to after it puts you through as much emotional distress as this one? On top of that, the ratings continue to go up even after viewers’ favorite characters have been unexpectedly killed off. While most shows unintentionally and ineffectively kill off their main characters, Game of Thrones is effective in its ways when killing characters for plot success and having the side effect of making us feel like no one in this world is safe.


  1. I LOVE that you included Renly in this post! He is one of my favorite characters, but so often he is overlooked because his time on the show was so brief. Additionally, his death was much more sudden and did not have the dramatic buildup that some others, like Ned, did. I’m glad to hear that I was not the only one struck by how shocking and saddening this was.
    I also really enjoyed the way you reference other popular TV shows and how they handled killing on their protagonists. It is intriguing that on one of your examples the show continued without a problem after the death of a major character and one had severe ratings issues. Grey’s Anatomy and Game of Thrones are both ensemble casts instead of being focused around one or two characters. It could be worth considering if this is why they were able to succeed.

    1. John, I cannot say that I think that because both shows were ensemble casts they succeeded. I say this because I think that Game of Thrones does a way better job at this than Grey's anatomy has. In a sense, I think both have great storylines, but if you think about it Grey's only gives us reasons to love the characters then takes awhile to kill them off. Game of Thrones gives us time to look past the bad and good, barely any time, but time enough to feel different emotions for their deaths. What do you think about this?

    2. We 100% need more Renly and Loras scenes.

    3. Honestly, I can say that now you bring it to my attention, I am quite sad and want to cry right now because Renly is dead, it may have taken me this long to realize that. What do you think would have happened in the show or the plot development if there would have been more diversity such as Renly and Loras scenes. Wow. What gems honestly.

    4. So, on the one hand, we have more LGBTQ+ representation in the show than in the books because Renley and Loras's relationship is just hinted at in the novels, whereas it is made much more explicit in the show. We will have some lesbian representation later because *spoiler alert* Yara is gay. However, the show definitely acts as if heterosexuality is the norm, and we really need more shows that treat homosexual relationships with more depth and nuance.

      Renley would have been the best king, hand's down. Stannis is the WOOOORST!

    5. Thank you so much for telling me that. I WANTED TO FIND OUT FOR MYSELF. I'm kidding. Anyways, I actually really appreciate the diversity of this show in a sense of making homosexuality the norm. Although we really do need different races and the acceptance of them as PEOPLE. I think that Renley definitely would have been the best king, but you know, George R. R. Martin wants to take all of our fave people away which really sucks, hence the title of my blog post.


  2. Leah,

    The way you set up your argument was great; especially, when you got into hot people dying. Like why the hell did they kill off Drogo so soon? I also did not know that they did not kill people off because they quit the show. Your outside examples of others shows killing main characters or the them quitting, so they have to die was genius. Personally, I have not seen the shows that you discussed in your post, however, I think it supported your argument well. In your opinion, which character hurt you the most when they died? Mine was Robb Stark because damn.

    Great job,


    1. You know, I think it really hurt me when Renly died. I am all for diverse characters and who doesn't love a good rainbow flagged army? Honestly, when Robb died it took me back because I thought he was going to take over the whole world, but like you said, DAMN. He was a fine man indeed.

    2. I agree, I thought Renly would be a great king, but if it came down to Renly or Robb. Robb has my vote all day. However, they’re both dead now and I’m just sad.

  3. Girl same. Your title is what caught me and ouch. Pointing out that other shows like Grey’s Anatomy, I watch that show like it’s a lifeline, kills off their main characters too, you’re right that they don’t do it like Game of Thrones. When I read the books, I expected some death to happen but not the major players. Then I started watching the show and the shock was still huge. Every single time a character starts to get good, like I start rooting for them and wanting them to prevail, boom they are dead. At this point more of my favorite characters are dead rather than alive, but yet I’m still invested in the show. Kind of like what you said, I want to see who gets to make it the full show and not die to be honest, and I want to see if any of my favorite dead character come back with the Others.

  4. You guys are too young to remember this, but Sean Bean (Ned) used to be considered quite a hottie, too. Even here, I don't think he is half bad, though he does not hold a candle to Robb or Renley. The fact that they are intentionally making his hair look greasy and unwashed in the show isn't doing poor Ned Stark any favors. Don't they have shampoo, at least in King's Landing??

  5. I was extremely shocked when Ned died, and I have to say that it was one of the last things I was expecting to happen. I agree that throughout the first season I inferred that Ned would be in the series until the end. I quickly realized he would not once Joffrey had him standing in front of the whole town on the chopping block. Game of Thrones really differs from any other show because they are not afraid to get rid of many protagonists throughout the entire series. Do you think they will continue to kill off protagonists like they have been in the upcoming seasons?

  6. I can honestly say that I've never watched a show in which protagonists die left and right, but her, it keeps me coming back every time wanting to know more. Genius. I wish we wrote these blog posts after we watched Robb Stark get brutally stabbed IN FRONT OF HIS OWN MOTHER!!!! So sad that we will never see his face on screen ever again. I'm so hurt.

  7. The death of characters in the show is something that I feel is a double-edged sword for the show sometimes because as the show progresses there are some characters that seem to miraculously survive that would have most definitely killed them in the earlier season and it's only made worse because the character death is somewhat teased. But it does add a lot of weight to the story because it keeps you on your toes because at any minute a character you love could die horribly.

  8. Not the biggest fan of the television show or book series, so many of the deaths don’t hit me as hard as some in the class (more of a Lord of the Rings fan), however you brought up something interesting about how other shows have been trying to kill off main characters just like the game of thrones. But having far different effects, most of which being a drop in views and eventually canceled. Maybe it’s because in the GoT world there are many other camps/ characters for people to follow, so when one character passes people move to another. I really don’t know; the psyche of most people can be a weird place to search for answers, but who am I to judge.

  9. Very good post, really enjoyed reading. Sorry that the characters that you like seem to be killed off the show. Even if I’m not a fan of the series there are some characters that I would have liked to have seen more of before they kicked the bucket. Most of these characters are kill in a short period of time, not sure how the books are but hopefully they aren’t killing off these characters just for the views, its HBO wouldn’t be the first they done something like that.


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